Tag Archives: motivation

4 Unchangeable Facts About Change

  1. Things are going to change.
  2. Things need to change to get better.
  3. Things change for better or worse.
  4. Things change with or without you.

Some people don’t change until they suffer enough, they want to, experience enough they learn to or grow enough they are able too.  Suffering is a reality.  It happens everyday in the lives of everyone and there is nothing we can do about it.  We do not have to be defined by the bad experiences in our lives.  Nor, by the choices we have made.  You can use both good and bad experiences and learn from them.  You can initiate change for the better.  Why not start now?

None of us are promised tomorrow.  Make every second of your life count for something good.

Internal growth is a choice you make that affects external circumstances.  Position your heart so that change becomes something that is instinctive and not extinctive.  You will be surprised how much better your life becomes.  Change brings new life, new insights, new relationships, and hope for better tomorrows.

“You can’t change your past but you can change your future.”

Your past only has a future if you give it one.  Stop taking it into every new day and new relationship.  Leave it where it is supposed to stay and that is in the past.  Stop dragging it around like a ball and chain.  Leave it where it was meant to stay and step forward into your future.  Your soul will feel free again and you will have hope for brighter tomorrows.

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Filed under change, Inspiration, Positive Life Change

Inspiring Life Daily: Motivational Picture Quotes

Never doubt yourself.  Believe you can and you will.

Everyday is another chance to make a positive change to improve your life.

When life gets hard, you should pray about it.

Whatever happens, happens.  We must learn to take life for what it is, a series

of uncontrollable events that is out of our control.  So, we must learn to deal with it.

If you try and fail, you have succeeded at learning.

There are some people that are meant to be in our lives forever.  There are some that

are meant to be in our lives for awhile to encourage and inspire us.  To help us grow.  There are

those who are only in our lives for just a little while.  Just remember the good times you shared and what you

learned from them to help you progress in your dreams and aspirations.  That is what they were here for.

They are people.  Nourish your relation ships. Be good to those who care about

you the most.  Let them know you love them each and every day.  You never know what the next day, hour or

second may hold.

So, be brave.

It is never to late to turn your life around but do not waste another second.  Just do it.

You do not know what the next second may hold.

Dare to be different and never change who you are.

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How to give meaning to a meaningless life

The Purpose Driven Life book cover

Image via Wikipedia

The greatest tragedy of life is for people to live and die and never come out of themselves, to never realize the possibilities hidden within them. Each time I come across people with huge potentials and who seem to be clueless about what to do with their innate abilities, my heart bleeds. To give meaning to your life you must live it on purpose. There is nothing as dangerous as living a life that has no bearing. Such a life will definitely be very boring.

The life we live can either have a meaning and purpose or not. The clearer your purpose in life is defined, the more fulfilled you will be as an individual. There is always another chance to pause and define the purpose of your life and give a meaning to your course.

How do you give meaning to a clueless life?

The way out is to discover who you are. When you know who you are it becomes easy to live a purpose-driven life. You would have discovered the purpose for which you are in this world.

So I want you to take time to ruminate over the following and answer them as truthfully as possible:

  1. Do I love where I am today?
  2. Am I in the job I would like to be in when I come of age?
  3. Am I using my natural talent to do what I love to do?
  4. Will I like to be the best of what I am doing today?
  5. What one thing do I need to do today to make the greatest change in my life?
  6. Who is doing something closest to my dream?
  7. What area will I like to make a positive impact?
  8. What will I like to be remembered for?
  9. What mind-blowing accomplishment will I want my name to be associated with?
  10. What do I do best with the least effort?
  11. What kind of help do people frequently ask from me?
  12. What is that area people show me the greatest respect?
  13. What can I do for fun and still earn money?
  14. What irritates me the most when it is poorly done?
  15. I usually lose track of time when ……………………
  16. Which of all the human needs touches my heart most?
  17. I am the solution, what is the problem?
  18. Who has this problem?
  19. Which books, magazines or discussions interest me the most?

If you can consciously and truthfully answer the questions above, you will discover your potentials and know exactly who you are. With this, you will have succeeded in giving meaning to your life, even if you had no clue before.

There is no limitation to what you can achieve in life when your mission is defined. When meaning is given to your life, then there is always a chance to start over. When you have failed on any project, it is your mission in life that will empower you to believe that you can start all over again.

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Motivational Quote of The Day

Henry David Thoreau, photograph taken in Augus...

Image via Wikipedia

Motivational Quote of The Day

Brought to you by

The Quotations Page

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams!  Live the life you’ve imagined.  As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862)

Quotations by Author

Henry David Thoreau

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Inspirational Quote of The Day

Inspirational Quote of The Day

Brought to you by

The Quotations Page

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.

Thomas A. Edison (1847 – 1931)Harper’s Monthly, 1932

Quotations by Author

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How to Achieve Success

Albert Einstein

Image via Wikipedia

Secrets to Success

How do you achieve success?

Albert Einstein said, “Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”

There is no such thing as failure.  Two words that should not be part of your vocabulary are, “I failed.”  You have never failed if you learned a lesson from something.  The best things that we can ever hope to accomplish are all trial and error.  We just have to learn to look at things differently.

Meaning of Success

Success means different things for different people. It all depends on your goals and what you hope to achieve. Your goals change throughout your life. So will your ideas of success.

Here are some tips to help you stay on track:

  1. Think of your mistakes as learning in progress.
  2. Step outside of yourself and clearly assess what your skill level is and decide what you are capable of as an individual.  This is an invaluable skill to have.
  3. Correctly assess what your goal, once you look at your situation and decide what your skill set is, you will be better able to judge what your goal is and how attainable.
  4. Align your thinking with your goals.  Doubt and fear are incredibly powerful inhibitors.  Mixed with lack of clarity and misguided vision your goal is impossible.  Aligning your thoughts and goals is crucial to your success.
  5. Align your actions with your goals.  If you are not where you would like to be yet, you must formulate an action plan that will get you where you want to be.
  6. Align your environment with your goals.  The next time you are around family and friends tell them your goal and what it is you would like to do.
  7. Do not give up!  The importance of persistence is overlooked in society today.  We expect things to come to us too fast too soon and if it doesn’t we just give up.

You never know how close you are to succeeding.  You only know what you have done so far to get to where you are at.  Your goals, your hopes and your dreams could be just an hour away.  You will never know if you give in too soon.

Take a look at the list and then take a look at your life.  Focus on the things that must be changed to accomplish what you want and then take action to meet them.

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Filed under Inspiration, Motivation, Positive Life Change

Motivational Quote of The Day

Motivational Quote of The Day

from The Quotations Page

“Try not to become a man of success but rather a man of value.”

Albert Einstein


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Motivational Quote of The Day

Depend not on another, but lean instead on thyself… True happiness is born of self-reliance.  —The Laws of Manu

More quotes on happiness……

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50 Ways To Make Life Simple Again

As we grow older, we become bombarded with outside negative influences.  When faced with obstacles, we fell flat on our faces.  We decided we didn’t want to fall anymore but not facing problems, we avoided them all together.

As a result we drank alcohol, ate comfort food, or took recreational drugs to numb our wounds and fill a void.  We worked late at night to avoid problems or unresolved conflicts at home.  We started holding grudges, playing mind games and deceiving others to get ahead.  And when it didn’t work, we lived above our means, bought things we didn’t need and ate, drank or used more to make ourselves feel better again.

And of course, our lives begin to spin out of control until we lost touch with who we were and what we wanted out of life or what we really need.

So, how do we fix ourselves?  By getting back to the basics and making life simple again.

Here is how:

  1. Don’t try to read the minds of others and do not make them read yours.  Communicate.
  2. Be nice, but don’t try to be friends with everyone you see.  Nurture the relationships you already have.
  3. Get plenty of sleep and exhausted mind is rarely productive.
  4. Your health is your life.  Take care of yourself.
  5. Get up 30 minutes earlier so you don’t have to rush around like an idiot.
  6. Get off your high horse, talk it out, shake hands, and move on.
  7. Don’t waste your time on jealously.  The only person your competing against is yourself.
  8. Get rid of stuff you don’t use.
  9. Ask someone if you’re not sure.
  10. Learn a time-saving trick you can use over and over in the future.
  11. Don’t drink or use recreational drugs when you are mad or sad.  Jog instead.
  12. Pay your bills on time.
  13. Relocate closer to your work.
  14. Handle 2 minute tasks immediately.
  15. Don’t steal.
  16. Always be honest with yourself and others.
  17. Say “I love you” as often as possible to your loved ones as often as possible.
  18. Don’t steal.
  19. Finish one project before you start another.
  20. Single-task.  Spend your time on one project and give it all you got.
  21. Be yourself.
  22. Quit procrastinating.
  23. Stay out of other people’s drama.
  24. Don’t worry about things you can’t change.  Concentrate on things you can.
  25. Buy things with cash.
  26. Smile often.
  27. Maintain your car and home.
  28. Apologize when you should.
  29. If you hate doing it, stop doing it.
  30. Be curious.
  31. Treat people with respect.
  32. Be curious.
  33. Write things down.
  34. Explore new ideas and opportunities.
  35. Don’t be shy.
  36. Don’t worry too much about what other people think.
  37. Spend your time with people who are smart, driven, and like-minded.
  38. Exercise everyday.
  39. Dont eat because your bored.
  40. Find hard work you actually enjoy doing.
  41. Realize that the harder you work the luckier you will become.
  42. Don’t waste your life filling someone elses dreams or desires.
  43. Set priorities and act accordingly.
  44. Take it slow and add up your small victories.
  45. However good or bad it is now.  It will pass.  Accept this fact.
  46. Excel at what you do.
  47. Realize your never quite as right as you think you are.
  48. Build something or do something that makes you proud.
  49. Mature but don’t grow up too fast.
  50. Make mistakes.  Learn from them.  Laugh at them.  Move on.

Enjoy the simple pleasures in life.  These are the ones that money can’t buy.  : )

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Motivational Quote of The Day

“We are what we repeatedly do.  Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”  —Aristotle


Filed under Motivation, Quote A Day